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We plan to be in UK for 6 weeks from Aug 1-Sept 15 this year, visiting hot glass and ceramics studios, as part of this research process. Ideally, we'd like to have the new Melting Pot Glass Studio website mostly finished and functional before we go,...

Our 1.5 hectare property Zaniplace is 5 minutes from Margaret River between the town and the coast, on a northfacing hilltop above the Margaret River valley. It includes the glass studio, and various residences, including artist residency/retreat, and soon-to-be ceramics studio. It is a hub...

We are just entering a new stage of research and development into becoming a Centre for the Fire Arts, meaning that we are specifically researching and experimenting with ceramics and wood-fired kiln development, to work alongside the hot glass or at alternate times of year,...

“GM Grapes Mk2” - Emergence Creative Festival, Margaret River...

“Fukishima Fruit Box” - “Flair”, Ausglass National Exhibition, Gallery Central...