02 Jan Welcoming a new decade…
As we welcome the new decade, we are so aware of the duality of fire. While we are grateful to be able to utilise flame to create beautiful artworks; the sun’s rays grow our garden and the fireplace makes it possible for us to live where we do in winter; we are so aware of intensifying our effort to upgrade our energy efficiency; complete our bushfire safety measures on our home and land; and meanwhile pray for our family and friends in every moment, who are caught up in the NSW and Victorian fires… praying they come through and the response from the government gets real (now!) about the impact of climate change on our weather, our boodja (country), our animals, our biodiversity and on our lives… so grateful to the fire-fighters and sending them our prayers and to all those trapped and traumatised by fire at this most frightening and destructive beginning to the decade.